Protection of the Children First Trust Fund
The General Fund budget is in good shape this year. We will continue to remind our legislators of the importance of Children First Trust Fund and the agencies that we support. It is a highly accountable fund that has to report exactly how many children and families are served by its dollars each year. No other budget in Alabama upholds those strict standards.
Advocate for Sufficient Funding for Agencies that Serve Children
The twelve state agencies that benefit from the Children First Trust Fund are also funded by either the General Fund or the Education Trust Fund. We will continue to educate lawmakers on what proposed cuts could do to the well-being of Alabama’s children.
Develop policy that insures every county in AL has a diversion program for juvenile offenders
Research has shown that community-based diversion programs aimed at non-violent juvenile offenders is both cost effective and successful at setting youths back on track towards a productive adulthood. Currently, each Alabama county does not have a diversion program; as a result, CF is working with the Department of Youth Services to insure that these crucial services are available.